First off, I switched out my LJ header & moodtheme to be all Panic(!)-y, because they are a shiny place to be right now. Even if they are in some sort of existential quandary about their exclamation point. (I miss it! I want it back! Other superfluous punctuation just isn't the same! Possibly I will make up for their lack by adding too many exclamation points all over the place!!)
I'm stupidly excited that they are going to be headlining the Honda Civic Tour (even though it's pretty likely that the tour will HATE ME, ya know, like last year, and I'll have to drive for hours and hours to go see them), plus bonus Motion City Soundtrack, Hush Sound, and not-yet-named-third-opener which I refuse to believe is anyone other than The Cab.
Also, it really needs to be March 25th like, now, kthnx. I really want to hear the new album damnit. If it doesn't leak at least a week early, I might have to cry. Stupid adorable Panic! boys.
Bandom, you are shiny and I love you. Really.
In honor of this? Random fic recs!
1. A few weeks ago, I recced the best fic snippet ever. And then it turned into a whole fic, which is just as made of awesome in its entirety.
Change (In the House of Pete) (PG-15, FOB, Pete/Patrick, kid!fic, faerie!AU)
Pete's eyes widen. "Dude, of course not. I wouldn't steal a baby. I know you wouldn't be cool with that."
2. Panic, My Chem, and Pete and Patrick as Labrador puppies. Yes, just yes. So much yes.
Just Won't Do Without You (G, FOB/MCR/P!ATD, gen, puppy!AU)
"They don't matter," Brendon replies happily and matter-of-factly. "Who needs sleep!" He barks and jumps on Spencer, licking his face before bounding off across the room.
3. MCR and Harry Potter crossover ficlet. Gerard = ♥
a conversation about magic (PG, MCR/HarryPotter, gen, crossover)
"I can't believe they have flying broomsticks in London and nobody ever told me."
Americans, Harry thought, rolling his eyes.
4. Oregon Trail fic, My Chemical Romance style. So fucking precious. Set shortly after half the band got horrific food poisoning way back when last year.
Frank Has Died of Dysentery (PG, MCR, gen)
"And we lost Toro fording a river, but I'm getting pretty good at hunting, so I don't think Mikey and I will have to eat you."
5. Oregon Trail fic, Panic! style, with cameos from FOB, MCR, & TAI.
Brendon has found wild fruit!
This is very exciting for two reasons: one, Brendon has not seen any fresh food lately that was not previously bleeding, and two, it is really tasty.
Alright, I guess that's enough random for now.