The Smoky Mountains were gorgeous. Vacation was lovely and so very needed. I love my friends. And many thanks to Laura for getting us there and back in one piece. ♥
So, yes, back to the daily grind. And fighting through skip=200 on my f-list. Actually, I started at about skip=240 and have currently fought through to 160. Not too bad as progress goes.
Things I have learned thusfar:
1. Mandy Patinkin abruptly quit Criminal Minds? -
Official Statement 2. I may have to forgive Jon Walker for the generally unattractive beard due to
Extreme hotness!
Also? I keep opening fic & stuff in new tabs so I can get to it eventually without distracting too much from the reading of my f-list. My firefox window may explode from this practice. Oops.
♥ you, firefox