*iz ded*

Aug 29, 2005 17:53

I did miss school, really I did. But could I just not get so much of it all poured on at once? I was incredibly busy for pretty much 9 solid hours today. I know it will be better next week when work is less crazy, but jeez, today was hellish! I don't think I could survive another day like today.

When I woke up this morning, I was slightly dying of sinuses, but I'm feeling better now. I was kind of lagging all morning at work and this is definitely not the time of year to be lagging. I can't decide if my recent lack of energy is because of my sinuses slowly killing me or the fact that I've been cutting back on caffeine. I did have a Pepsi at lunch because I didn't think I would make it through the day if I didn't.

And my feet hurt from sliding all over campus in wet sandals. ;_;

SOC 304: Sociological Theory - I love Craig Taylor. I do not forsee having any problems in this class. He acted like he was really going to give tests this semester, but I won't believe that until I actually see a test paper in front of me, and then I'll still view it with a healthy level of skepticism. I took notes today and I don't really know why. Mostly I did it so I wouldn't fall asleep I think. Especially since he was giving the same lecture he gave on the first day of SOC 100. I recognized the example cow.

ASTR 104: This looks like it will be very easy. I don't even have to go half the time if I don't feel like it. But I probably will anyway because it's between two classes and what else am I going to do for an hour? And also I'm slightly allergic to skipping class. Only slightly. But yay for class with Laura's dad!!!1

ENG 300: *rawr* I hate english. But hopefully this will not be too bad since Pat Taylor is a very interesting character. I just don't want to have to do all the writing that I'm going to have to do. What exactly is the point of doing a term paper? I really don't know.

Anyway, Meme I just invented, inspired by English class. (She asked us what questions we would ask someone we had just met if we were trying to figure out whether or not we wanted to be friends with them.) So here are the 5 questions I would ask, and my answers to them. Leave a comment with your answers to my questions and then go post 5 questions of your own, if you feel so inclined.

1. If you could watch *one* TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be? queer as folk
2. Do you prefer close-toe or open-toe shoes? open-toe
3. What do you think is the best color for a car to be? silver
4. Who is your favorite family member? (use whatever definition of family you feel comfortable with) gallahad
5. What incriments of time do you measure "the future" in? (seconds, hours, days, months, years, etc.) days

work, classes, memes, sick

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