I guess that'll be the last time anyone lets Jay-Jay into the workshop on his own. Poor Junior. He doesn't mean to be this clumsy. But that's the fifth time so far he's knocked that same can of paint over (though I admit I do wonder why people keep leaving it there if it's gonna get knocked off the bench. ¬_¬). It's not the paint that's gotten Peter worked up though- this time a whole shelf of stuff came down, too. Things went somethin' like this...
From direction of workshop: *CRRRASH!*
Everyone present: O_O
Jo: "What the HELL was THAT?!"
Jo: "De Kring, go and see--"
Peter: "Yes, alright, I'm going already!" *peeks into workshop and finds Junior sitting on the floor, almost buried by a load of fallen tools*
Jay-Jay: "Eh, I'm okay..."
*sigh* I hope De Kring doesn't give Junior too hard a time about it, even if I understand why he might be worried for the kid. It was Peter who first allowed Junior to tag along with him when he came to visit us last August (as to why, De Kring said something about Junior being a good friend of his and left it at that. I got the impression that he hoped no-one would pry, so I didn't), and since then Junior's been a regular visitor. :) Takes the opportunity to borrow tools and stuff from us too- he's always spending time in his garage, fixing up his bike or somethin'. And it's during times like when he's rummaging in the workshop for tools that he gets himself into trouble. De Kring feels responsible for him because he's the one who brought him here in the first place, y'see.
Trouble is, nobody's really sure why he's so accident-prone. :\ He's gone home now- De Kring drove him back to his parents' house about half an hour ago. Everyone's been really quiet since he left. All hesistant like. I tried to take my mind off the silence by finding somethin' to do, so I browsed the web. And I found a meme quiz.
And as soon as I saw it... I knew I just HAD to try putting Hauler's LJ username in the box, simply 'cause he seems to spend so much of his time posting these memes. :P
*laughs* XD
And here's another, just for fun:
*giggles* Okay, now I'm trying to imagine 'Warp as heir to the Russian throne... wearing a crown and all... after having just bashed Hauler over the head for posting memes... *laughs* XD