Apr 23, 2007 13:00
On Monday was finally my dance recital day! I double and triple-checked that I had everything I needed and took all my makeup I could carry.
We had a few rehearsal runs to set our lights and I found that I was exhausted after running my dance twice. OMG! Would I have enough energy for the show? I also landed on my foot really hard after the one jump and had a cramp in it almost the entire night. I almost threw up my lunch too, so I was just laying in the dressing room for awhile.
Erin went and did my hair and makeup. She took a long time so I was glad that I got her started early. She redid the one side several times, but my eyes had a really neat effect. I also had my hair corn-rowed back out of my face and it looked pretty cool. We talked about stuff during my make-over and I came to the startling revelation that I lost my virginity while Drunk at Mike's. O.o I know that I can sorta make up my own rules since I'm a lesbian and all, but being the uber virgin was my thing...and yeah, I really do think I lost it.
Jenny was having a meltdown almost the entire time, saying that her peice sucked. Raven and I offered our support and let her practise a bunch of times before we did our group stuff. We didn't get perfectly in synch until about the fourth time and then we called it a night and ran off too dress and take lots of pictures. Raven's bf had a proffessional camera (both of them are photo majors) so we got some nice shots. We felt like rock stars! Raven said I can model for her next sememster when she starts to get studio time, she wants extravagent things and I said I'd do anything but artistic nude. Oh! She also got me and Jenny little gift boxes of presents which was so sweet of her.
The show flew by, our group going 5th and me going at lucky 13. They sorta screwed up my music and I had to have the next girl go while Raven ran the cd up to them to re-que. I wasn't upset or nervous at all, even when I had to wing the ending again. It was a blast, I love performing!
Afterward I got attacked by Kitty, Tree, my mother, Renee, Virgina, Erin, Jake, and Kendall. Jake gave me a flower and dissapeared, and Kitty and I fought off the urge to kiss in front of my mother (even though I knew she wanted to). Her and Erin glomped me instead.
Afterwards me, Kitty, Kendall, and Tree ran off to the gas station to eat and then to Necto. I sat around with Kitty for a lot of the night. She danced off and on but mostly spent time with me. It was really nice. I saw Shannon there too, drunk for her 21st Birthday. She looked cute and talked my ear off about a bunch of things in the Red Room. And One and VNV Nation were Djing for the night, but I didn't go up there much even though it would have been fun to meet them. I was really tired.
Draco, Crystal, Jenny, Erin, and Christian were in the blue room for a bit with us. Panda and friends, and Henry and a few others too. The highlight of the night was when Draco and Panda tried to surprise-sex Kitty and she started shouting "it's not a surprise!!!" Also, Jay (who we now know is a "two-beer queer") totally made out with Draco. The idiot tried to crack my neck when he was drunk too, and just ended up hurting me.
I took Kendall home with me and we watched some MST3K and talked about stuff. I've found that we can talk about Anthony without me getting even slightly upset (finally means I'm actually OVER it all!) and we made jokes about messing with Justene who is over there sometimes. We ate random food and had fun until about 3am when I turned in. I had school the next day!!