Dec 17, 2006 03:50
Work was so busy today. 11 to 7 shift with barely any time to daydream at all. Sometimes I write these twisted little tales in my head involving my friends, and it helps time go by. On my way there I was nearly clobbered by a huge truck with a cherry picker or something on it. It just turned several seconds earlier behind me then it should have and I wondered how that crash would have been. The concept of being unconscious is astonishing to me, for it to be so abrupt. How can time pass while you are so unaware?
Saw Scott for a little bit and that was cool. I had seen him when we went bowling with Chris and Miss a weekend or so ago. They let me do signs again too, I like that 'cause I get a backache when they don't let me leave the register.
I had to wrap the presents before going to yet another "dinner party" it was sorta pre-christmas/Tree's third Bday celebration. Lol, did he celebrate it with EVERYONE yet? I think so. Took me two hours to do everything and to get there with Renee. The food was amazing and this time every part was cooked perfectly, and yet I found that I couldn't eat a whole lot. My last doctor's visit (which took forever!) revealed to me that I'm at 117 lbs. now, which I think it pretty cool. I base it on how I look, and I have found old shirts that I fit into now, as opposed to high school. It's surprising, and I can only wait to see what dancing twice a week is going to tone up too. But I'm annoyed that I can't finish meals, and people are going to think I'm anorexic. I DO eat a second dinner at midnight and sometimes later though, so maybe I'm just messed up time-wise.
Jen liked her necklace although I didn't see her open it. She was wearing it though, and I think the length is pretty good. Definatly smart to be simple and spiky. Garrett wasn't the most enthused with his pencils, but I did get the right kind. John gave me a hug for the gift card to Best Buy and I wrapped those mints to be funny. I bought Gizmo some balloons too. ^_^ Jen said that maybe she would have a Xmas party and that she had ordered everyone stuff and it hadn't come. A party would be great but I'm just dying to see the new house. She took a big swig of the kaluha when I gave it out and made some sour faces that made us laugh.
It was a little soon to give everyone their gifts but I wasn't sure if I was going to see everyone around Xmas. Rob liked the bacon bandaids but I wish I had been able to get him and other people more things. We fell asleep off and on while watching American Dad, which is by the evil Family Guy people.
Jen brought over a fun book called The Movie Plot Generator and everyone kept ending it with "In two hours of the raunchiest porn ever seen..."
I got a cramp in my leg from pulling off my boots but miraculously stopped it before the agony set in. Thank god for that tip of rubbing my leg, I was astounded that it actually worked. Meg couldn't sleep so we ended up talking till 8am. I was full of coffee too so it wasn't hard.