No more sakura now (they all fell of the trees)

Apr 19, 2009 21:10

Haven't posted in a while since I've been busy studying (and enjoying everything about this country). Things I've done since last post is; went to kabuki (school payed, didn't understand anything but was really cool to watch), eaten okonomiyaki (possible my new number one favorite food), eaten takoyaki (tasty, does sorta resemble okonomiyaki in taste), bought a bicycle (it's a beatiful cobolt-blue color and only cost 6300 yen).

Now, I'll picspam for a while~ (mostly Conan-related, and also ignore the crappy pics I'm not good with working a camera)

My very pretty Conan notebook (from a hyakuen-shop) it's supposed to be for a gradeschooler but I don't care about that (my reading-level is like that anyway...)

The only magazine I've allowed myself to buy here, Shounen Sunday (because it has Conan) I've started to like some of the other series in it aswell, specially the one on the top cover Defense Devil (which started last week). I'm actually able to understand most of the mangas (but then again everything has furigana...)

Latest issue of Shounen Sunday with a very pretty cover (Conan-kun!!!!) follow some pics from the inside of it:

PR for the latest Conan movie. I am going to watch it, I don't care that it throws off my budget completely (I'll eat only rice and soysauce for the rest of the month if I have to).

Magic File 3 pr... I have to stop by a 7 eleven and buy it (since my budget is already destroyed it shouldn't matter).

New Rumiko Takahashi manga!!!! Since I love Ranma and Inuyasha I look really forward to reading it. I haven't managed to find any info on when it will start running, but the main characters name is Mamiya Sakura.

And closeup on the drawing. From what I understand the story is about Sakura who can see ghost and other supernatural things and one day she has a "fated meeting" (can't thing of a better translation of "unmei no deai") with that guy in the picture (?).

Picspam finished~

I haven't actually allowed myself to go into a manga or anime shop yet (I've seen them but not entered), I have entered a music shop but didn't buy anything, probably will when Arashi releases a new single. I'm trying to wait with the shopping until next month (since I only allow myself to spend a certain amount each month).

I'm gonna take a shower, then read some more in my Shounen Sunday (I bought it today, eventhough it comes out on wednesdays, since I wanted to make myself finish all my homework and studying first)
Bai bai

picspam, rumiko takahashi, conan, shounen sunday

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