Weird feelings towards LJ use and fanfic update!

Dec 26, 2011 11:29

Weird time when I received some v-gfits here and ended up with a paid account for 2 months but I don't have any activity around here lately. lol. I feel like I'm posting stuff to no one. LOL. I'm probably posting to myself again. Not sure what is the point of keeping posting my vids here and other stuff if no one will ever see it.... I just feel like it's a waste of time. So, I will probably only use it to post fics, if I ever got back writing them.

BTW, if you read the first two chapters of The Other Side fanfic, I apologize for the great delay in updating it, but let me just tell you guys that the co-author abandoned me :(, after almost 2 months without any word - it seems her RL caught up with her -  so I won't be writing it with cara410 anymore. It will be a solo job for now on  but I'm not sure when I will be able to update it since I will be busier for the next couple of months, hopefully I will have some more time at the end of march, if another exam does not pop up suddenly like these two, practically on christmas eve, that I want to take. Lovely! another Holiday season studying like crazy! >.<

rant, fanfic, chlollie

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