Ummm... Yeah. So I sorta just bought a fancy schmancy hella expensive new saddle. Not that I own my own horse yet or anything like that. Pft! Your earth logic is silly.
But there *is* logic:
1. The way I figure it, I will be riding as long as I can for my whole life. So getting equipment that actually fits me is worthwhile. I am not the average shape. Off the rack doesn't work.
2. The saddle is fully adjustable (gullet width, shoulder angle, front/mid/back supports)so when I switch horses (ha!) it can be refit to the new guy and *still* fit me.
3. When I sat in it on the horse I sort of felt like the heavens opened up and choirs of angles sang. For the first time EVER I was able to just let my leg hang down naturally and have it fall and rotate correctly with no effort on my part. I really thought all the rhetoric talking about letting your leg 'drape like a wet blanket' was made up crap, but in this saddle? I could. I've been fighting for position ever since I got in a saddle. Today, for the first time, I just sat there. WHAT WILL I DO WITH ALL MY NEW MENTAL AND PHYSICAL BANDWIDTH?
4. I also suddenly wasn't fighting the arch in my lower back. Fixed! like magic.
5. Captain was moving forward more willingly, and seemed more comfortable. He never reaches into stretching with less than 20minutes of warm up. He started at 3minutes.
and perhaps most importantly
6. I deserve to reward myself for being all grown up and responsible with the divorce and the house and stuff. Momma needs nice things that make her feel awesome! Even if the house offer falls apart, I can swing this. A little splurging on myself has totally been earned.