Jan 06, 2004 18:10
Today was the first day back to school and it definitley kicked butt!
Let me break it on down for ya:
1st - Brainstormed ideas on "HOW TO USE A PAPERCLIP" and took notes - We are having a doughnut party on Thursday for someone's birthday...could it be...moi?! :)
2nd - Did an activity that involved me running around the room 10 times. Michael said he was getting winded just from watching me - lol. Grade=86 :)
3rd - Worked in a group with Stuart on something we are doing on the Progressive Era Grade=93 :)
4th - Chilled back and talked to Tyler and listened to him and the guys talk about guitars and amps and all sorts of *stuff* I like my new seat Grade= 78 :/
5th - Drawing Toolbar!! OMG! So not hard - I talked to Kat online Grade=97 :) Didn't expect anything less
6th - Chilled
7th - Did an activity on resolutions and chilled back Grade=86
I had a kick ass day and Tyler Brooks is the coolest person alive. He's gonna let me ride his little red scooter ~ Hehe!