May 22, 2008 08:23
So I have officially completed my first 4 years of college and its been interesting I suppose. I must say I have learned a lot in my education at SLU and I have experienced some wonderful things such as a studying abroad and seeing some great speakers. I have learned to appreciate St. Louis, a city that overall I tend to believe is very crappy, but it has brought me a place to develop my love for salsa dancing in a less intimidating environment than Chicago. From SLU I have met my Christopher and I love and cherish him deeply. But overall something's missing and I guess thats friendships. I do not believe that I have met one person from SLU that I will talk to after I am long removed from this school and this city. Don't get me wrong I have met a lot of nice and wonderful people. I would never want to negate that fact but overall people have proven to be flaky, arrogant, and neglectful of friendships (at least with me). I felt high school was where I met the friends I will keep forever. Even though I do not talk to everyone all the time its still wonderful to see them when we all get together. I dont know what it is about the people there. It could be that so many of them are so conservative which on many levels clashes with my liberalism. Its definately that so many of them are extremely flaky in that they dont keep their promises, they let you know they are cancelling on you the day before or right before you are going out. And also overall not many of them are really outgoing, sporty, adventurous people like myself.
But anyways with that said it is time to move on to my next two years. We shall see what they brings for me. Hopefully I meet some wonderful people even though the pool of people is smaller. Also I pray that I get along with my new roommate because we do not know each other that well but it seems like it could work out. AHHHH!!!