Only in New Orleans...

Oct 07, 2012 10:29

During my first trip there on vacation, I spent a lot of time walking. It was easy to do, since the city is so interesting. After being on Bourbon St. at night, I remember being surprised at how clean the street was by 9am. I was walking along, enjoying the morning. There are many shops on Bourbon, many of them selling t-shirts. I am a fan of t-shirt philosophy, so I'd read them all as I walked. That was how I found myself in Place Pigalle, which had a great selection of t-shirts, but was also an adult novelty store.

I was immediately greeted by a local, who was out and proud and just as camp as can be. I was about to tell him I was only looking at the t-shirts, but he seemed so eager to have a real customer, I didn't want to disappoint him. He launched into an animated presentation of the shop's best-sellers and was the funniest person I'd ever met, and seemed uh, quite knowledgeable about his wares. We talked for about two hours, and I would have stayed longer (he was an excellent conversationalist), but had to catch a flight home.

I began to take my leave, when he gave me one last sales-pitch: He held out the product, winked at me and said "Girl, you have just GOT to buy this, so when you get home, you can tell all your friends you bought a light-up purple vibrator from a raging homosexual."

$30 later, I wondered what the TSA would think when they found it in my luggage.

true story

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