I used to do such a good job of posting. And I have something to look back on when I wonder "what was I doing then?" Now, not so much. Not even on blogger anymore. I haven't posted there in almost a month. It doesn't even work if I make it a goal. I just find myself doing other things or not wanting to post. And then if I do, it feels forced. There's nothing I dislike more than forced writing (oh, that's not exactly true. I like to force my students to write all the time, lol)
One thing I've started is a calendar in my smash book. I actually cut out February from a calendar and am going to try to fill in a day at a time with something memorable from each day. This takes more time than an actual journal/diary (could), but it also holds me to certain things or just one thing from my day. And since I'm sitting here with just about 15 more minutes left of this practice SAT, I thought I'd post some pictures. When's the last time I posted a pic here, anyway?! (I'll have to check the tags, I guess.)
Here's my first time to load pics to LJ in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. They look huge from my end.