so like we're moving and I'm extremely loathe to just toss all these games when I have people I can give them away to.
while this is mostly a reference for me, if any of you guys see anything you want on these lists, I'll send 'em to you for only the price of shipping. I'd much rather they have a home than a place in a landfill just because I
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Is it possible to enter some kind of code and download the elder scrolls strilogy, ala WoW? D:
snailmail is fine, but that CD drive would definitely be an issue if you got it, l-lol. xD but you know, if that's been a big problem, you can buy external CD drives that work through the USB port. they're like 20 bucks I think.
I'll keep it on hold just in case!
now hold my pineapples
but yeah, totally! /BROFISTS
oh, so forceful
ty bb
And I figure I should let you know, Dr. Horrible showed up on elegante's activity check AND IDK IF YOUR HIATUS EXPIRED OR WHAT BUT I THINK A HEAD'S UP WAS IN ORDER
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