Mar 28, 2010 23:43
I think that next semester, my life is going to go in a completely direction.
how does one go from playwright -> psych major?
this is assuming I can buckle down and get through these last seven weeks without wanting to tear my hair out. I don't know, it just feels like life is going too fast sometimes, that I need to know what I want to do for the next fifty years right now and if I don't succeed then I'm boned. I like too much. I want to write, I want to act, I want to play music, I want to draw comics, I want to create. and I guess more recently, I... want to help people. and as dubious as some people think psychiatrists are, I think that they do help. from personal experience. if not help, then maybe I just want to understand people.
I'm only nineteen years old, maaaan, I really just want to sit around watching cartoons.
and yeah, I know my parents will love me no matter what I do. but sometimes it's hard having a successful older sibling, you know?
I'm just going to have to prove I can do it. second semester, you're going down.