Dec 13, 2015 21:14
Today ended up being showery and cool all day. About 21C max today - 1 degree C cooler than yesterday. So, yesterday we had a low passing through from west to east (as they do) but today the wind had veered to the SE and we were getting moisture off the sea! Now that much fell. The most I heard of was 10mm at one place and 9 mm at another. My water tank is now just over half full - not good. It cleared late today so tomorrow should be fine...ish.
Tom has no table manners. So, I made a chicken soup last night and poured it over rice - a nice cool weather dish. There was a bit left over and I heated it up with a little rice added for lunch. After lunch I had three pieces of potato left over. I left my dish on the bench while I looked for a dark brown smoked glass dish that is heavy and flat to put the leftover potatoes in for the chook. Still haven't found that dish. But when my back was turned, Tom scoffed the lot! He has been eating me out of house and home lately, so I think I might make him some more 'soups', lol :)
Tonight when coming back from the healing night there was a sliver of new moon. So, happy new moon everybody! We have had three full dark nights (good for sleeping) and now the light is returning. The new moon was in Scorpio, but has now moved into Sagg if anyone is interested.