Apr 22, 2005 12:15
hmm...haven't made one of these in months...
I'm resolving to clean out my friends list, clean out my AIM list and get back in the habit of treating ppl with respect and growing a little bit of humility...in addition to actually calling the ppl in my cell when I DON"T need somthing from them...
now with that load of BS over with...
snorting cake up your nose somehow makes your throat/sinuses hurt the next day...and the day after that it causes strep-throat like symptoms to show up...or maybe its flu? is it flu season? whens flu season? I feel like utter shit...
=ponders= do I wanna drive back to SD now or tomarrow morning before work? =/ decisions descisions...
do I wanna go pay the saks bill or do I wait till NEXT week when I come back up to LA with muchos $$okane$$
Beverly Hills!! this hillbilly can't take it much more...I'm going to break!!
Rodeo here I come!