Alt Friday Five

Mar 06, 2009 12:54

1. If the altfriday5 gained dominion over space and time and gave you an extra 24 hours but mandated that you could only do fun things during it (ie, no catching up on laundry), what would you do?

Read the first Robert Jordan novel, bake some cupcakes (do I need to sleep in this time as well?) Take a pleasure nap - the kind where you're not tired, but just so relaxed from lying in the sun. Drink some exquisite coffee at an independent coffee shop and try making my own homemade cheese.

2. What if we took over the financial system and managed to give you $100 you couldn't spend on bills?

Savings! Or, if I had to spend it that day, buying items for my mom that she can't get in Northern On - miso, benito flakes, soybean paste etc and mailing it off to her.

3. You've won the altfriday5 dream vacation contest! Where would you go?

All expenses paid? Dubai or New York. Flight and accomodation only - either a Greek island, or Tuscany.

4. We'll grant you one wish! What is it? (If you say "more wishes," we'll hold it against you.)

The positive features of humankind be enhanced, while the negative aspects are minimized. Increase intelligence, open-mindedness, responsibility. Decrease ignorance, hatred and irrationality.

5. Now we're prepared to give you one personal quality you'd like to have. Nothing outrageous -- you can't fly, or breathe coffee -- but a trait you admire in others and wish you had more of yourself. Name it!

Willpower. If I had enough willpower, I could accomplish anything.
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