and I came to the conclusion that all Final Fantasy VII Characters have the same hairdresser - damn, gravity does not apply for Cloud's, Reno's or even Rufus' hairdo.
Would love to own the kind of hairspray they use. Then I wouldn't have to run away from my own reflection in the mirror.
My muse is still a little bit grumpy. I have so much on my mind, that I have no nerve to write anything. Although a nasty plotbunny is eating the dandelion leaves in my brain. I have no clue why I feel the urge to write a oneshot from Scarlett's POV.
But I work again on the Doujinshi-project, Noctifer and me started last year. Since there was no hot sex-scene not much dialogue between Rufus and Tseng in ACC we have to do our own fanservice.
Originally published at