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Solokuenstler. You can comment here or
I hate Gallery v1 and v2 - if my Japanese would be any better I would switch to Ninja Tools within a blink of an eye.
This outburst is due to the fact that I try to organize some stuff at my and
Arki’s gallery … and we use different gallery tools (and please - any grammar nazi … I know that’s Arki and I) and I can’t upload png’s at her gallery *sigh*
But the lovely woman is modeling and texturing like hell and I can’t wait to get my hands at her new stuff. Just check it out.
On the affilliate front has another change happened. Since Violet Violence is more or less history, I kicked the link out.
But since yesterday I have a new affiliate:
Shinra’s Bad Boys, a lj-community devoted to FF VII’s Turks and Soldiers.
If anybody else is interested in an affiliation, just drop me a line.
At the update front - the 7th page of my
doujinshi is up.
Not much text at this one.
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