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Solokuenstler. You can comment here or
Hrng … did I mention that I really hate the poser render engine? The whole program drives me nuts since I work with more sophisticated applications.
I’m now at the point that I only make the basic scene setup within Poser and the rest with Cinema.
Just a really quick example:
This was the first testrender w/ Poser. No lightsetting was changed, rendersettings as low as possible.
Took around 3 minutes. Original size. And well - looks crappy. I have enough experience now, to imagine where I could end up with.
Cinema 4d testrender. Alias set on best, originalsize, lights still on autolight … and guess what - rendertime 2:30 min.
Jeez, and people are asking, why I am bitching about Poser???
Okay, okay … I do now the hdri-render. And that takes slightly longer *cough*