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Sometimes plain images are pretty boring and can be spiced up with some simple tricks.
Since some friends asked how I make the borders around images, here is a quick and dirty tutorial about a really simple way.
First, open the image (this is always the first step, I know.)
For demonstrative purposes I’ve chosen a simple magazine-scan.
Grab the polygon lasso tool and draw a border - with shift you can add more pixels to the selection, with alt you can remove some until you’re satisfied.
Then go either to Select -> inverse or if you as lazy as I am hit shift + ctrl + i
You could stop here - but you won’t.
Now comes the tricky part. A little offset. Don’t wonder, from here on I extented the canvas a little bit.
Let’s switch from layers to channels. Now we need an Alpha-Channel (If you don’t know what it is, check another
tutorial on this site)
Create a new channel, go to Select -> Load Selection ->Layer xxx (the one with the image)
Fill the selection with solid white.
Then apply to the selected Alpha-channel a Gaussian Blur. The blur radius depends on the kind of effect you want to achive and the image size. The best method here is the common try-and-error.
Still in the Alpha Channel go to Filter -> Pixelate -> Color Halftone. Since we’re working with the Alpha-channel, the color options don’t matter. And again: Try and error.
For this Image I wanted to have small dots, so I chose a Radius of 4 pixels.
And again Select -> Load selection -> layer xxx -> invert.
Hit the del-button and you have a frame with funky dots.
You can erase a little with a soft brush and lowered opacity and apply some layer styles like inner glow and inner shadow for getting more effects.