Oct 20, 2011 16:33
October contains the winds of creativity. Blowing through trees of golden leaves and across the dried leaves grounded by the wind of change. This month sighs transformation from the shaded clouds journeying overhead. The deepened shadows contain the spirits who wish to have place in life, the spirits of stories to come, characters to be. This has always been my month to expand, dream, create, become. October is that month.
Leading its way into the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this month has been one of reading. Soaking in ideas from all sources near. The novel writing of next month will only wet the appetite of a year I call cinema year. A more ambitious work that has been long due. From past posts in my blog spaces that longing has been seen. 27 short films on YouTube show that longing. Storytelling is at my heart, so novelizing my way into the year of cinema is the path chosen.
What sort of short cinema do I envision. Experimental the one word answer. What can be done with the resources on hand. Those resources being very good. Knowledge mixed with skill and stirred with imagination. In the past so many words soaked with the wishes of a creative life. So many words that never gave way to certain work.
The silence here is indicative of action here. Reading was logical to begin the journey of my first draft novel. There is a story here that needs the fertile ground of voice, style. Reading others brings those to the writing to come. There is more that attracts me to novelizing. No budget restrictions, no limit to cast or plot or location. Imagination unleashed at its fullest. As the year begins the engine that powers this year of cinema will be warmed up. Warmed up to be ambitious and epic in this a once in a lifetime endeavor.
There is more. My work in cinema is the tip of work to be done in 2012. Art is the third leg in my creative world. The year will produce works of digital art, whether painting or photography, as craft is learned. As my writing grows and spills over to cinema so does art. The three are the daydreams from childhood on. Time spent doodling and tracing and sketching. Daydreams from reading and viewing the TV and cinema screen. It is natural to embody the dream into the a studio setting. The studio is located not on some street corner, or corner of my apartment, but on the internet.
This is October for me. The month of creative winds and self transformation. Reflections upon what it takes to have the life daydreamed decades ago. 2011 finds the month of October a different beast. The spirits more demanding. The light of sun and moon more nourishing of creative soul. This year has changed life, shaken habits, questioned clinging ways. Shedding the dead skin of doubt this year breathes deeply of creative soul that desires to dance. Words will be first, visuals, performance, production come closely after. Join me on this journey and watch the power of Octobers transforming winds.