Jun 14, 2007 00:45
My fishtank is a cheap Spanish soap opera:
IN THIS EPISODE...The passionate romancer Carlos found himself in some dangerous waters with his red-hot mistress, Lucía, when she discovered evidence of his continued infatuation with his gentle and beautiful wife, Isabel. In a fit of jealous rage, under the cover of one dark, overhead-light-turned-off night, Lucía brutally murdered him. (Forensic investigators found his body the next morning stuck to the filter he had so loved and covered in bite marks -- but the murderer had long since fled.) Lucía then, seeing that the tank was ripe for a new boss, decided to undergo a sex change. She became Lucío (or Luigi to affectionate Aunt Alex), and seized power. But, still not sated in her lust for revenge, [s]he began to stalk, and then to seduce, and finally to abuse, the lovely, widowed Isabel...the product of which was discovered this morning: [at least] four little bastard fishlets.
Now, all you viewers out there in LJ land, you have a task: As soon as they're big enough to be told apart, these little halfbreeds must be christianed. One will be Pépe, it has been decided; but what of his three other brothers/sisters/mongoloids?? STAY TUNED!
aquatic beasts