"We're under six..."

May 18, 2006 11:15

"And I'm a college student!" Well, at least I'm no longer a high school student. It is officially over. And all you Denveroos (yes, that does mean you) reading this are cordially invited to a graduation shindig at about noonish on the 25th. Comment if you're interested and want directions. There will be much food, and maybe even a Communist ( Read more... )

i won't be left behind!

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sardonic_artery May 18 2006, 15:13:56 UTC
Eventually you build up relationships like that in college, then you move on. The process repeats.

Congrats. I'm sure you'll miss chanting your graduation year at pep rallies.


kaboom172 May 18 2006, 17:04:13 UTC
Yeah, it's just that "eventually" part that will make things strange. I get the feeling that most of my first two years of college will be spent feeling somewhat alienated. But no matter: I'll just have to chill with whatever creepy roommate they stick me with, and that'll be fun.


tiny_dancers May 19 2006, 09:57:36 UTC
Look on the bright side, tiger. YOU may be the creepy roommate someone else gets stuck with! Yaaayy!

Murder by Death!!


kaboom172 May 19 2006, 15:30:11 UTC
Ha...that's eerily true. Well, if I happen to get some cheer-whore or anime-obsessive girl stuck with me, I'll be glad to do the creepy bit.


tiny_dancers May 20 2006, 19:33:44 UTC
I think you should do the creepy bit regardless.


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