I'm in Spain!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 02, 2004 19:31

Yes this is coming to you direct from an Internet cafe in Toledo, quite possibly the second most interesting place i´ve written a livejournal entry (the first being the WTW library of course...)

This is the first free moment i´ve had since we got here after a 14 hour plane ride, so i won´t be able to remember everything but i´ll try to give you the lowdown. Spain is absolutely gorgeous and everything and more that I´ve hoped it to be. We are staying in Toledo for the time being, but tomorrow we will be staying in sevilla, and we will see a flamenco show. we went to a bunch of gorgeous cathedrals yesterday, got to experience the town, and even went to a sword making factory, complete with gift shop, where many of us bought actual swords. The pics are hilarious.

Today we went to madrid where we saw the town´s attractions, including a great park, the prado art museum, and of course, the hard rock cafe. yes i´m a little disappointed that i gave in to americanization so fast, but it was kind of refreshing to have a chesseburger and watch Kiss at the same time.

We have so much left to see and i still need to write my parents an email with the rest of my internet time, so that´'ll be it for now. Shelby, if you see this, happy birthday. Nick and Mike, try to get that show for April 10th, everyone else enjoy your spring break!!!! i know i am...

p.s. my tour guide looks EXACTLY like Danny Devlin. i´m waiting for a defibulation from him. oh and he´s british, so it´s like i´m in the foreigner again....blasny blasny.
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