So I am only home for the rest of today and tomorrow and a little bit on thursday...
so i'll be back in buffalo on thursday sometime prob before noon..
so hadley called me back and made me super excited to know my complaining went to good use and said they are cleaning the carpets today....
I ended up getting a shocking A- in macroecnomic theory which makes me so incredibly estatic you have no idea... that was my last major economics class minus the stats and 2 electives which don't have all that much to do with econ makes me even more excited...
so this semester should be really nice considering i'm taking 15 credits but the stupid informatics course kinda looks stupid so i don't know if i will stay in that or not.. i kind of want to focus on my GMAT's this semester so i might drop to 12 credits and do 15 or so in the spring... i only need 20 more credits for graduation..
now all i need is a job and a internship and i'm set....
i'm part of this dog forum and they had this mini story of how a dog ate this cocoa mulch that the owner bought and was taking a walk when it had a seizure and then died instantly :( that makes me really sad so i'll post the link to the cocoa mulch that has the warning things on it then i was reading lj and someone in the rochester community was giving away this cute dog for free because the neighbors complain about him barking... she mentioned how he was cuddly and loveable and housetrained... i wish UB would let me take dogs in because i felt really bad because i don't want him to go to a animal shelter...
anyways i should get back to my packing...