word to the wise if you wanna be a idiot don't come around me

Apr 14, 2006 02:34

HAHA so yeah its LATE however i did witness quite possibly the funniest thing...

as the story begins...

sitting here listening to my "tunes" and i hear some stupid screaming going on from outside you know same o same o so i put the headphones back in but it continues on so i listen girls were screaming some guy was sounding posessed...whole time talking to Jackie about how this person is prob getting raped and we wouldnt know it.. so i start getting progressivley more annoyed as the screaming proceeds to be clearly underneath my window so i go over there ready to yell at them (no joke) when i look down and hear girls saying " HA HA HA your penis is small" and the guy saying "i dont care..." then does a headstand and of course i see this directly under my window i start laughing OF COURSE and proceed to grab the phone to call campus police to just be really really mean (im evil its great) meanwhile johnny flasher is making his way to the lake jumping and screaming making the geese honk away poor little innocent things geez...

so i'm on the phone as this is going on and campus police makes me laugh its hard to not laugh when your telling campus police you hear a naked screaming guy outside with girls screaming and him jumping in the lake.. so police ask me if "he was thrown in against his will or he is just being stupid" so after a chuckle (i couldnt help it!) im like just being stupid so he made me give my name which i wasnt to happy to do but whatever he gets off the phone and of course those idiots were walking away!

so i waited a bit after you could hear the girls screaming still like 10 min clearly afterwards and i never saw the police walk by they prob thought it was a joke but seriously if they caught him it'd make my day...

i wish the geese would of nabbed him either in the junk or his butt even better HAHA

the end

and burn it up is the greatest song in the WORLD to listen to mega loud
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