Wow, I'm vocal today. Sorry..
I just watched 20 minutes of gameplay from the Old Republic game, and it. is. beautiful.
They showed us three worlds - Hutta, Ord Mantell, and Korriban (which looks basically the same as in Kotor); examples of 100% voiceover conversation; a "flashpoint" of story where, in a grouped setting, the PCs make significant decisions in the storyline; combat in groups and of three different classes - Smuggler (featuring a new "cover" system), Bounty Hunter, and the newly announced
Sith Warrior.
It is good.
Check out the walkthrough videos! The guy you see first, Dallas whatshisname, was one of the guys I got to talk to at SDCC. ^_^
Maybe I should start making SWTOR fanart like
aimo has been doing for Dragon Age: Origins..