So I was on Facebook for a little while this morning, and noticed a bunch of photos that were posted of my brother from DanceSport this weekend. And then he told me that his partner wrote an article about the competition for the Deseret News - you can read it
here (be sure to check out the photos on the right!!).
And speaking of my brother and dancing.. The Ballroom Dance Concert is coming up on April 11th and 12th, and he's got tickets (really good seats - the teams camp out to get them) and needs to know ASAP who wants them. They're $12 for Friday or Saturday night, and $10 for Saturday matinee. (I believe
cieloan is attending the matinee, so if y'all want to go together, we could do that!) Just let me know as soon as possible and I'll get the tickets from him.
(PS~ Video Games Live is next weekend - Friday and Saturday the 28th and 29th. WHEN ARE WE GOING, and HOW MANY do I need to get???) Saturday they still have $30 and $40 tickets, but Friday night the cheapest ones are $48. Let me know!!!!!!!