Mar 25, 2006 00:52
AHHHHH OMG I NEED TO UPDATE MORE WHAT IS THIS. i havent updated in like 2 weeks. god knows what happened in those two weeks. i didnt record it anywhere and my brain is so SMUSHED with world war I and sentimentality speeches and bio pedigrees and alsdjfg. ok hm. so i gave a speech in english on sentimentality. i brought in my jam-packed bulletin board and lion king toys (i used the phrase Mufasa's Circle of Life so i found timon, pumba, and simba in all their plastic kiddy toy wonder) and old McDOnald barbie dolls and an archie comic and a big stuffed animal bunny. woo. history test on WWI. it was fine. bio test monday on genetics. pedigrees, monohybrid/dihybrid crosses,codominance, X and Y linked. *rendered unconscious by other crazed bio students*
um today daniella and i performed Girl From Ipanema (she sang i played piano) taylor had asked us to for morning meeting since our grade was in the black box this week. we did well, even though i didnt give her enough time to breath sorry danny! but she was great as usual. saw the talent show tonight. some REALLY AMAZING acts - Rmax's magic, the asian girl on piano Hungarian Rhapsody AMAZING IT ISNT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE FOR FINGERS TO MOVE THAT FAST, her little brother was awesome too even though he messed up he did this insane chopin, wesley chen insane chopin, this crazy asian dancer, angry genghis, the sing sing sing dance. the 7th grade band was cute but i CANNOT believe they won best instrumental. kind of a big shock. but WILLIE won best vocals! he's so cool yay willie!
im still pissed danny and i didnt get in, and i didnt get in with Amelie songs but then whatever.
god the weather today was simply perfect. really. a little breeze, warm, the trees were practically glowing. it was SO PRETTY. natalie and i were enjoying it 6th period free, then had to go take a math test. i was really moody in piano today and sucked ass on my beethoven. but i did well in painting. had some good sketches. i have 15 more pages in the drawing course then on to TONES. hallelujah.
we're trying to plan the summer because im going to AUB to learn arabic and sight see in lebanon (even though i've already seen most of the places) so my mom wants me to go early with my brother before i have to start the month at AUB. man that's a huge chunk out of my summer. sorry guys. im sad that im going to miss out on so many things while im gone, but im gaining a lot too. like the chance to actually converse with my relatives and understand my parents when they mumble and curse. mwahha. but when do i have my 16th bday? and what to do? ahhhh
so these past two weeks have basically been studying, orchestra, library community service, AP reviews on saturday mornings, oooo we had a great culture shock meeting monday talking about dating and marriage customs in different countries. i have to pick another topic for monday. GOING TO FRANCE IN 6 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay. i am SO SICK OF SCHOOL right now. and i lost my history book. fuuuuuccccckk. the one book you DON'T want to lose. and my day dreaming is hard to handle. im feeling pretty helpless and sad that theres no chance. oy.
ok love you guys night.