Title: Our Mutual Friend
Pairing: Remus/Sirius/James
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: James is trying to forget that-thing-that-never-happened (that definitely didn't happen last week) but Sirius insists on continually mentioning it. Because he wants to do it again...
Author notes: This is a sequel to
My Beautiful Friend,
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with notes!
You so win. And Sirius really would right on scarlet parchment too, the hussy.
*is randomly distracted with thoughts of Sirius in scrlet nail varnish for no good reason*
Though really, I ought to comment on these things when I'm more alert. Right indeed. *rolls eyes*
It's worrying that I didn't even notice the 'right' thing, isn't it? And I don't even have a regular beta, ah ha ha! Imagine the atrocities in my actual fics!
Heh, probably, but at least you didn't write it yourself. See, I have no beta at all, so god alone knows what mine are like. I prefer not to know, and sit smugly on my thrown of ignorance.
I only have a beta for the stuff I write with wildestranger. Generally if I'm dubious about a fic then I have a few people who'll pick it apart for me. The last chapter of The Dating Disasters of Sirius Black was fixed during a massive friendly brawl involving much spanking and freckle-licking, until they finally bullied me into putting some sex into it. Honest, it wasn't my idea, they made me. For spelling and grammar I rely on the readers to point it out, heh.
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