Oh my god: it's chapter ten!

Apr 27, 2005 13:47

Yeah, sorry it took ages.

Just on my lj and remusxsirius for now, if you notice any canon-errors, plot-holes, typos or spelling mistakes, I would be very grateful if you’d point them out before I put this on Fiction Alley. Sorry for all my whining and much love to my betas liadlaith and minnow_53, without whom this would be a lot less coherent(but only the end section; don’t ( Read more... )

hp fic (r/s)

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minnow_53 April 27 2005, 15:26:11 UTC
Okay, official comment: I totally agree with liadlaith, it flows so smoothly when you can actually see the middle bit! :D

Though I still think ‘Y’know, this-‘ Remus turned and kissed Sirius... needs the 'again'.

But that is very minor, and I enjoyed finally finding out how it all came to pass... Great stuff. It's so wonderful to see them together! Yay! Joy and celebrations! And to see Chapter 10 at last! Well done. ♥



kabeyk April 27 2005, 15:37:50 UTC
Thank god!

I will go and check that bit. I have to edit anyway, as I realised I missed something off the heading.

Thank you!



minnow_53 April 27 2005, 15:53:33 UTC
No worries. You must be feeling euphoric!



kabeyk April 27 2005, 16:03:19 UTC
Actually more like relieved, a little bit sick (I haven't eaten much today except chocolate raisins), and rather annoyed that I didn't swap tonight's shift at work with someone when I had the chance!

And, yeek, I forgot to do that editing.



minnow_53 April 27 2005, 16:07:46 UTC
You do live on chocolate, don't you! I bet the raisins make it healthy. :D Anyway, I hope you'll feel better soon.

It's been a long haul for you. Keeping up a chaptered WIP can be pretty stressful, I imagine, except when you're actually writing it. But at least you're now free to do Chapter 11!

Hope work won't be too bad. ♥



kabeyk April 27 2005, 22:59:57 UTC
Yeep. Work sucked, sore feet, and football not good. Bah! And I so forgot to do any editing before I went.

Oh, the stress! (swoons femininely) But yeah; there is a lot of it, yikes. But I will be bereft when it's finished.

Yes! Dried fruit = healthy!



minnow_53 April 28 2005, 09:14:22 UTC
Did I understand that you're only doing one more chapter? WTF? Seriously, you can't do that to us!

Sorry you had a bad time at work. I am supposed to be working now -- not quite as bad, because at least I just sit at home, but a million times more boring. This is a new MS (I'm way behind) and it goes on forever, and the one redeeming bit so far is a hint at a threesome. Only a hint. Plus one character death, which livened the thing up a bit. Rowling it ain't. I have half of it to read, as it drags on for 400+ pages. :(



kabeyk April 28 2005, 09:57:38 UTC
Um, yeah. It kinda finishes off rather neatly if ch11 goes to plan. I never really meant for it all to be this long, and it was never an indefinite thing.

Ch11 is probably going to be called something like; Remus Lupin (again) and James' Head Goes Boom, or similar, anyway, and well, I can't have any more after that. You wanna know what happens?

Argh, you poor thing, that sounds horrific. But I have the weekend of doom at work coming up, what with the Bank Holiday, so I can't dredge up that much sympathy because I'd much rather be reading the worst book in the world than doing my job.

I don't know what to do now, I have loads of half-finished fic, I have some original fiction I'm supposed to have written, and I need to edit and upload this to FA, but instead I'm reading all those 'things atalantapendrag isn't supposed to do at Hogwarts' lists. Again.



minnow_53 April 28 2005, 10:47:51 UTC
Of course I want to know what happens! :D

I'm sorry, I was just trying to cheer you up; I do see that your job is way, way worse.

But all the same, I don't think you can imagine how very, very bad an unpublished novel can be if you haven't experienced one! Still, I am happy to have the work, so I'm not complaining. Not really.

Oh, I must have a look at that list. Another displacement! I just sent Sleep Disorders to Fic Alley instead of working. Suddenly realised I was piling up a huge backlog again. The last one hardly got any reviews, which was ironic, cos it was my most commented-on fic ever on LJ.

You've earned a rest after getting the chapter done. Though of course we're all waiting for the new fics as well...



kabeyk April 28 2005, 10:58:06 UTC
I know! The most enjoyable part of my job is complaining about it!

Yes, I too should be grateful; they do pay me rather more than most places would for the job I do.

Sod FA; apart from updating the fics I already have there I doubt I'll put any more fic there, you get the weirdest reviews. And, strangely, people only start reviewing a lot when it's been months since you uploaded a chapter, you can tell which chapters of DD there was a large gap between by the amount of reviews.

Heh, I'm working on my new R/S as well as pondering my original fic idea.



minnow_53 April 28 2005, 11:21:57 UTC
You don't have to be grateful! You're probably qualified to do something far more illustrious. Nothing wrong with moaning about work.

Hey, I get some lovely reviews on FA! There are a couple of people I almost feel I know. Well, the two who review my fics, heh, heh. I once got flamed and told I was sick and wrong, but apart from that they're usually okay. I've had worse on LJ, in fact.

In the spirit of not working, I just looked through my last thing on FA and have found a few glaring errors I should have edited. Thinking of taking it down and doing that, but I don't know how without losing its meagre cargo of reviews. Shit. I wish I didn't hate reading through my stuff so much, and then I might catch all the mistakes. It always seems so feeble once you're past that glow of creativity, and makes me cringe. But not as much as the avoidable mistakes.

Btw, you haven't told me what happens next... :D



kabeyk April 28 2005, 14:01:39 UTC
Oh yeah, you get some very lovely people on FA, but a lot of my DD reviews seem to contain a lot of complaints and netspeak(shudder). I think people are more willing to insult because they don't know me like people on lj, though possibly that's a good thing because they can be more honest.

Hee, sick and wrong.x

There's one line in ch9 of DD on FA that makes me cringe because I have entirely spoilt a joke by missing out a comma! I know exactly how you feel; I could have sent in ch10 by now, but I so can't be bothered.

If you really want to know what happens then we'll have to head over to one of those beta-locked threads on my journal...



minnow_53 April 28 2005, 14:35:58 UTC
Hey, remember a lot of people are waiting for Ch. 10! We're not all lucky enough to have seen it now.

Already answered the locked post. Sounds good, doesn't it? :D Btw, _polaroid_baby has deleted her journal. :(



kabeyk April 28 2005, 14:45:10 UTC
Heh. Yeah, I know, but my journal is linked from my FA sig, so they could find it if they wanted... I'll do it soon.

Oh dear, silly girl.

Just realised that yet again I've forgotted to eat, duh.



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