Jun 12, 2007 00:06
Just when you thought it was safe to crusie the blog-o-verse, I return and with some news.
First off since I last posted I went down to watch the Indy 500 I posted the pics up in the photos if you haven't looked at them. The race was great except for the rain out parts but hey can't have perfect weather everytime. Tho last year I was there it was like 100 degrees plus and I burned like toast. So that wasn't really all that perfect either. We sat and watched over our seats to make sure peeps didn't try to steal them and drank beer. THo we did run out and had to make some beer runs. Rumor was with the rain delay the track was running out of beer and food. If you think about it they plan for peeps to be there for so long and only need so much but oops forgot to figure on a long rain delay. Anyway had fun either way.
Now on to the good news, I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right I gots a new job thats full-time. I will be driving for DHL hualing meds and supplies its kinda exciting, I start Monday. Tomorrow will be the last day I will be working the night shift, the rest of the week I will work during the day the rest of the week so the the full time guy can get some repairs done before I leave. It weird I don't feel scared about leaving it feels right and good that I am leaving. Tho its entirely possibly that Coke could come up with an offer that maybe hard to turn down. Thats right the Operations Mgr position I interviewed for way back when could come back open and give me a real decision to make. I mean if they offer me more money it could get really interesting.
Beyond that I don't what the future holds, well I do know I have plans here in July. It does appear I will be heading out of state for a week, and prolly have given someone blackmail on me that prolly shouldn't but if it works out I could be have something to off balance that and really if that happens.....no when it happens cause I think my luck is changing and I know it will all work out. Hell who knows if a sweet innocent ally of mine has her way I could be living down in Florida by summer's end. We shall see, we shall see.