Jan 21, 2009 23:19
I miss you.
It's been so long, and still...
I only whisper into the dark "I miss you".
How long has it been?
Days pass in a blur, months fly by in a rush...
Years flow past in a blurry sort of way.
A stop-gap montage of photos.
Your smiling face.
The rasp of your voice.
The touch of your hand, gentle yet rough.
Angry comments, a lack of faith.
Unreliable on your "good" days.
Unreachable on your worst.
Never once telling me "I love you".
Showing me with each touch.
Now your like a ghost, your habits influencing my every action.
I'm just like you, and yet different.
Defiant and angry.
Nothings every good enough...
All I ever wanted was your approval.
Now without you, I flounder...never able to reach it.
I want to hate you for leaving me, leaving me to this mundane life.
It's hard to hate something you adored so much.
I'll wait for you here, and finally say "I miss you".
Admitting it should be a relief, instead it only serves to remind me of your absence.
Just one more thing that I wish I could hate you for, knowing that I never will.