Here are some things that are happening to me.

Oct 24, 2008 11:59

1) I'm getting married in... er... three weeks.  And a day.  It's in North-West Wales, near Carnaerfon, in the old residence of Lord Snowdon (who married Princess Margret).  There are going to be a grand total of twenty people there including us, for the entire weekend, where we will fill the place.  It will be most jolly.

My parents have hired an 8-seater to make the drive and are taking my three grandparents, my sister and her husband.   That should be a fun trip.  The last time my Dad took my two grandmothers on a trip to our place, he got stuck in traffic in Fulham on a hot day, with the windows wide open (relevance in a mo) and the following things happened:

a) Chelsea were playing at home.  They pulled up outside a Chelsea pub with fans all milling about.  My nan took a look at them and exclaimed loudly, "Oh look -- that must be one of them GAY pubs!"

b) My nan saw a policeman and said, "Oooh, it's rare to see a policeman these days because they're all in vans having sex."

My nan reads the tabloids a lot.

The kabbess' brother is taking her parents up too, which should be fun.  It would normally be about a four hour drive but you can double that with the toilet stops.

2) My sister is pregnant, but nobody is allowed to know yet so keep it to yourselves.

3) We're going on honeymoon to New Zealand, which is going to be awesome.  We're actually there for three weeks and the flights take another half a week.  We're actually off work for a month, which has been hell to save the holiday but now I can't wait.  We're going all round the South island and we will be doing EVERYTHING.

4) There is another round of redundancies at work.  I'm untouchable but the general atmosphere is not exactly great.  The shame of it is that the current financial crisis means that NEXT year should be superb for us... but for now expenses must be cut.  I hate it.  Other than that, work is great.  It's nice to be somewhere you are seriously appreciated.

That's yer lot. 
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