Well, here are some of the images from the wedding -- I'm a bit disappointed at what I looked like in the photos. The dress and hair were wonderful, it's just that I'm not really that photogenic.
My friend from art class, Kimmy, did my hair and nails. Her coworker Megan did Jenny's hair.
Kristen followed us to my grandparents, where we got ready.
There's photos of the ceremony, but the two cameras that I had direct access right at this moment to were either not liking the person shooting (that would be the Framemakers' camera -- thus far it has been proven that it only likes me) and Jenny's camera (which is more set up taking close photos of dolls.)
There were some good ones off the work camera, though, this one being my favourite:
Here was the table setup, including a bouquet that a customer had sent me on Friday (excuse Dave's butt):
We toasted to homemade Valpolicella instead of champagne. (We're more red wine people.)
My cousin Joy had made a fabulous cake that put every single wedding cake I have ever tasted to shame:
Peanutbutter frosting, large tier chocolate, top tier white.
Afterwards, we went over the our friend Esther's, whose parents own the Stove Barn in Winslow.
So there's the skinny of the day. There's other images too -- I just need to hunt down the cameras.