oh Ryan - I thought of you when I heard about James Brown...it's so awful to realize when our heroes are mortal isn't it? oh and PS: I remember VERY clearly the first time you straightened your hair! Some of my funnest memories of you are from that time :)
oh yes, I remember Maria's mom doing your hair...she's such a cool lady. And JB still IS here...maybe not so much in the flesh, but everytime you remember him - he's still here, and everytime you listen to his music - he's still here. Not much help I know - but he left quite a legacy that is going to keep him alive, one way or another forever!
Comments 5
oh and PS: I remember VERY clearly the first time you straightened your hair! Some of my funnest memories of you are from that time :)
it ever occured to me that one day JB wouldn't be here.
And JB still IS here...maybe not so much in the flesh, but everytime you remember him - he's still here, and everytime you listen to his music - he's still here. Not much help I know - but he left quite a legacy that is going to keep him alive, one way or another forever!
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