Dec 21, 2006 23:17
I'm really in a glowing, positive space about my show. Some minor flaws (perhaps major according to the people involved.....someone close to me has an entirely different view of the night, and I apologize for causing any undue stress), and my voice was ragged by the end of the night. Some random self-indulgent thoughts:
- I have such a supportive network of friends who consistently turn out to see me perform and I appreciate nomitamajackseanandrewjai more thn you guys can know (I'm sure I left some names off)
- Most of the jokes landed and the ones that didn't were at least appreciated *heartily* by a select few :) Note to the world: Meningitis jokes are a *great* way to test out your audience -_-
- Everyone howled at blackface Baby Jesus. Howled. Some laughter, some groans, some WTFs, some offence taken. *Exactly* what I wanted.
- FYI, my mom was not trying to pick up Luis's dad.
- I was nervous the most about stripping to The Grinch. Laughter and whistles helped that nervousness go away. Still got my body issues, but who cares? the number landed.
- for the life of me, I could not spit out the words "oh I let the moon go shining on, I let that little rowboat cruise around til dawn". For the LIFE of me! And it's my favorite song in the set!
- hedwighedwighedwighedwighedwighedwig forever. I love spontaneous applause.
- the afore-mentioned ragged voice made me leave out "my man's gone now". I really wanted to sing it, but high B flats weren't gonna happen.
- and I am telling you I'm not going was fun for me, but I couldn't hear/feel reactions...was it funny? did ppl get it? By the time I was on the floor, all the people down front were scurred. I really wish I had been at full voice.
- I loved singing with Damien Atkins. Definitely a fierce moment to share a stage with that man. I wish I had been in better voice, but I think (hope) the feeling was communicated and the duet got the loudest applause of the night (I think)
- I was on the verge of losing it in have yourself a merry little christmas.....I always try and stay in control of emotions, but tears were there. Lorraine, Daryl, and Frances *would* have loved it.
- the special and the followspot *made* the fosse choro for All That Jazz.
I'm a bit disappointed with a few people who I feel didn't/won't perform all their responsibilites (and again disappointed that someone isn't sharing my joy or satisfaction, but I think/hope we are fine), and that will all get worked out soon I hope, but for now, I'm basking in the glow of pride. I worked really hard to put this show together, and while there is room for improvement in anything, I feel like we all gave the audience
an entertaining evening. What did *you* think?