Oct 03, 2005 14:48
I have a super amount of credits! I'll have about 280 when I'm done with this thing they call college. I should be fairly marketable, right? I forgot to apply for graduation, so I'm trying to take care of that. Seeing that I'm still in college, I've also been catching up on some beer drinking I may or may not have missed out on. Nothing too crazy, but I've spent entirely too much money in the bar.
I should save my money. I'm thinking about driving the Pan-American highway when I'm done drinking in college. Sure, it's cheap in most of Latin America, but it's never cheap when you are driving thousands and thousands of miles. I'm a little concerned about the safety, but not too concerned. Mostly, I want a traveling companion, preferably a sexy travelling companion! On the way, maybe i'll do a little job research. It'd be a helluvan experience, whoo. Aside from whisping depression, everything is ok in spokane. My room is coming together, although the walls are intolerably white. I need something cool for the wall, like a, ummm, cow skull! Where did that thing go anyway? Did we give it away? Shit. Maybe I'll think of something equally cool, but probably not.