Jan 01, 2009 19:37
So all I've been doing for the past days online is defend the Israeli position in this conflict. Nah, defending is not the word I was looking for, educating is probably more proper in this case. Among the resent news and blogs of haters I got very proud in my country for persevering but of course my pride was short lived. It lasted until I entered my facebook and saw in the status updates that some cow that I know from B.O.B wants to sleep and she had enough with those stupid grads. Now, when one of her friends commented her that it's more bummer to be on the other side she said that "I don't give a fuck about the other side so I don't care..." Poor child of Ashdod she had enough with the grads tsk tsk tsk, GO LIVE IN SHDEROT stupid bitch! But that's not the point though :) I understood that the first people that need to be educated are my people, because when you desensitize yourself from the so called enemy he becomes a flat character, just bad, just this, just that...it's wrong! First of all in case of Gaza and the West Bank not everybody is bad, there are terrorist and there are civilians who like it or not get it worse than us when a thing like that happens, I don't say that we are to blame, Hamas is to blame for it's hunger for power in any price but we can not avoid the fact that there are a lot of families in Gaza that want nothing more than to come back to the regular state of things.Again, before anyone starts yelling that it's their own damn fault, they gave power to Hamas; it just makes them bad decision makers (much like Israel with their current governmental lineup) but people non the less - I am happy that Sheik Nizar Rayyan was killed though not on purpose but no, I'm not happy that his kids and wifeS died, innocent bystanders that are casualties of war is never a happy thing for a compassionate human being.
It has nothing to do with being left or right winged, it has everything to do with being a descent human being and not letting your enemies get the worse out of you.
PS: To anyone who wonders; the stupid bitch is not in my friends list anymore. C'est la vie.