daily bullshit

Jul 02, 2010 05:01

  • 09:29 RT @Megadestructo: Always check your rug for ninjas: bit.ly/9jDV0p #
  • 10:39 played Army of Two and Too Human yesterday gamerdna.com/r/5TbH #
  • 11:08 So no one has anything good to say about the Airbender movie. Damn shame. Might wait to Netflix it instead of paying $10 to get pissed off. #
  • 13:24 How come Win7's desktop can't seem to remember to sort icons by name? #
  • 16:57 For @megadestructo is.gd/dbYno #
  • 20:15 Well, looks like my Xbox has finally red ringed. Clearly this is punishment for buying crappy games for cheap. Fuck. And shit. #
  • 21:09 Went to Best Buy. Sold out. Went to GameStop. Sold out. Even went to Target. Sold out. Congrats to Microsoft, I guess. #
  • 21:10 Not my month for gadgets. White iPhone delayed. iOS 4 buggy. Xbox red ringed. Xbox Slim sold out everyone. Batting 1000 so far. #
  • 21:49 Golgol Bordello reminds me very much of the Red Elvises. I keep expecting them to stop and say "Tiger Claw! Use Tiger Claw! Rowr!" #
  • 22:09 You know, I'm half tempted to not bother getting a new Xbox or a PS3 until after I move. Why set up a console just to take it down shortly? #
  • 22:49 Yeah. Motivation to do any (more) real work tonight has been destroyed. #
  • 23:10 "Don't scratch my penis like it's a cat!" #
  • 23:17 "It's like a Slim Jim, except... not as..... slim.... as a...... Slim Jim..........." #
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