daily bullshit

Jun 18, 2010 05:01

  • 09:31 I would wear these One Piece jeans is.gd/cSYPA #
  • 10:54 Man, I'm drained, tired and grumpy. I just want to go home, curl up and nap. #
  • 11:47 Scott Pilgrim just keeps looking better and better is.gd/cT7Jd #
  • 12:54 What if Kinect was used not as a controller but to observe HOW you play? Leaning forward/back, distracted, frustrated. With an AI director #
  • 15:49 Salvador Dali meets Disney is.gd/cTmFG I recommend a few minutes to check this out. #
  • 16:35 Looks like Halo Reach is bringing huge customization to Firefight mode. Might be enough to some friends into it. is.gd/cTpeo #
  • 17:36 A monent of introspection: Sometimes I overthink my own emotions and end up undermining my confidence in the authenticity of m feelings. #
  • 17:37 Another moment: I'm more of an introvert than people expect. I'm happy in a crowd or alone. Guess I'm more complicated than I like to think. #
  • 23:00 Another brief but fun #darksun game. Most of the players are still getting used to the system (and skill challenges). #
  • 23:01 I hope we can do some character creation and start a full #darksun campaign soon. #
  • 23:03 Also, my girlfriend is a huge #dnd nerd now. She denies, but futilly. #
  • 23:14 Anyone out there know of an HDTV that can output straight to surround-sound speakers? Receivers seem like they should be obsolete by now. #
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