Feb 08, 2011 21:20
Title: His Pale Ghosts Are Cloaked in Ruby Red Blood
Author: kab16
Rating: pg13
Spoilers/Warnings: AU
Summary: Sayid has their blood on his hands, sees their ghosts, and they are telling him to do it. written for lost_in_108
Their blood is on his hands.
Do it.
The ghosts. He sees them everywhere.
Do it.
Elsa Nadia Shannon.
Everyone he’s loved.
Elsa Nadia Shannon.
Everyone he’s killed.
Do it.
They're real.
Ben’s targets. The Others. Everyone.
Elsa Nadia Shannon.
All real.
Do it.
Real as the gun in his hand.
Do it.
His fingers are trembling. They're all watching. Watching with gleaming eyes.
Do it, their eyes gleam. Do it.
They'll never go away.
Do it.
Never will. Never will.
Do it.
They are real and they’re telling him to do it.
Do it.
Their blood is on his hands.
(Or maybe it's his own.)