Oct 14, 2009 03:19
In 2006, Vladislav Surkov, a deputy from Putin's administration held a speech in front of all the leading people from The Glorious, Powerful and Generous Party of Modern and Welfare Russia (aka United Russia). Among other happy news he used an expression to describe the current method of governing ,the official called it "sovereign democracy".
This is what it means:"a society's political life where the political powers, their authorities and decisions are decided and controlled by a diverse Russian nation for the purpose of reaching material welfare, freedom and fairness by all citizens, social groups and nationalities, by the people that formed it". Nothing mentioned about any type of freedom. It shouldn't be called sovereign democracy, but democracy for the sovereign.
Now it's time for results. Municipal elections were recently held in every part of Russia. One small city had surprising results, Volzhskij. It was the only town in whole country, where the party teaching people sovereign democracy, didn't win the election. I bet they forgot to pay the "fees".