Rare update from a Coyote

Oct 25, 2006 11:58

Just a note to say that, yes, I am still alive.

I haven't been around (online) very much due to work. The job's still pretty hectic (and one heck of a bad schedule), but hopefully in the near future it will be getting significantly better. I should be able to cut my work week down from 70+ hours a week to roughtly 40-50, which is manageable. Here's to hoping that this happens sooner than later.

And, well, as for when I am online, I can fully blame the room-mate for the addiction to Everuqest 2. Yeah. Blame him. Its all his fault. *stare* Although, I do still try to respond to emails, which may be the easiest way to contact me, aside from the phone (which never stops ringing anyways).

Still off on Sundays, however, as well as 1/2 a day Saturday, if anybody wants to do anyhing.

Side note: Congratulations to Ipequey for giving up the circa 1985 cell phone for a nice, new, shiny blue one. Hmm..now to see if I can get my paws on it!

Additional side note: New Icon! This one by Perro, used with permission. Thanks, Perro! You rock!

- patience, payshuns, patience, payshuns, patience, payshuns, patience, payshuns -
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