a random list, because that's how I roll:
★ I've started watching Roswell. I'm about 8 episodes in and am totally digging all of the adolescent melodrama. I really liked Max & Liz, but it's gotten a bit too artificially drawn out and I'm losing patience. :( I am loving Michael. At first I didn't really care, but I'm finding him really interesting and intriguing. (Apparently only adjectives that begin with 'i'.)
★ Soon they'll be announcing the actor who'll be playing the 11th Doctor on Doctor Who. I'm totally curious. Jason Isaacs would be lovely.
dramedy mentioned Chiwetel Ejiofor. Also lovely. Maybe they could share...
★ I'm thinking about going for a new layout. What would you guys choose for me:
gstarlayout, or
Things I want to know on the Mac:
- What is the page up and page down command? I can use the spacebar to page down, and I can scroll, but I miss being able to page up and down at will.
- What are the home and end command (line/page)? got em! :D
- In Safari: I want to be able to hover over a link and have the URL show up in a window somewhere -- how do I make that happen? eta: figured that out. It was far too easy. I should not have asked *blushes*
- Can anyone point me to a place to find a Mac icon? :)
This link was posted last week on Overheard Everywhere. It so completely describes 5 year olds. ♥ It makes me miss Kindergarten.
★ What am I forgetting? Um...
janicechess is getting a new washer/dryer soon and it made me realize how much we'd like to get a new set so we can use less water and make better use of space in our laundry area by stacking them. I'm vaguely embarrassed by the fact that I'm thinking longingly of laundry things. Hmm...
★ Hi. ♥