supernatural - s2 [2]

Mar 27, 2007 21:00

[I'll stop spamming anytime now. I promise. ♥]

s2, episodes 4 [Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things], 5 [Simon Said], & 6 [No Exit]

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things:

Is she a woman in white? Was the guy cheating on her or something? But there weren't children involved. Hmm...

Hahahahaha, Sam was watching PORN! !!!! omg, omg, omg!

Dean: "This is awkward."

He DID cheat on her!!! But, again, no children involved, so not a Woman in White. (though, still a lot of her in white...)

aside: Dude, they dig pretty damn symmetrical graves.

omg!!! There's nothing IN THE COFFIN! *freakz out*

And she's all in white. ewwwww.... omg, he's KISSING HER AND SHE'S DEAD. *shudder*


Okay, I have to pause it and breathe now.

So, Dean is freaking out on her father and it's so clear that things really are getting to him. I think part of him is so desperately guilty about his own life, at the expense of the other person way back in Faith. I also wonder if Dean has a sort of... weird wish that he could raise his own father from the beyond, but he's also... disgusted with himself for even thinking it... so now that he finds that someone has raised her from the dead, he can direct that anger somewhere else.

It's interesting the way Sam keeps trying to psychoanalyze Dean, and Dean hates it... but there really is some truth to Sam's insight. ♥

God, that whole zombie hunting-fighting... ick. *shudder* And then with Dean: "What's dead should stay dead!!" Is he convincing himself?

Also, Jensen really is just far too pretty. *boggles*

Hahahaha, okay, I was way off on my analysis above. *bonks head* His desperate guilt *is* related to him still being alive at the expense of someone else, but it's related to his father. duh. I sort of can't believe I didn't pick up on that. Of course Dean would have figured that out.

Well, at least I was on the right track -- just missed the sort of... important piece.

supernatural = 1
kaalee = 0


Simon Said:

I do love Ash: Dr. Badass is... IN!

okay, hahahahaha: "I can't fight this feeling any longer..."

And then Dean singing in the CAR! !!!!

Ahhh, okay, so they're going to find another one of those kids that the demon killed their mothers.

What was Dean's look about? Over to the side -- I know that Papa W told him something -- what WAS it?

This episode, while awesome and amazing in its rockitude of interesting things for me to think about, really is making me NERVOUS.

Dudes, the little kids that are connected to the freaky ab-slashing, ceiling pinning, demon twerp are making me nervous. There was freaky homicidal Max. And then there was the twin guy that DIDN'T lose his MOTHER at the age of 6 months. So, wtf is that all about? Does he embody the demon somehow? Is he like... the demon's spawn somehow.

I like, don't even want to surmise about this, because I'm getting all Sam-wibbly and might go all protective on him. Which would really piss off the show makers, because how can you make a TV show with a lady all standing in front of Sam and saying, "You leave him alone now!!"

I mean, even if I'm cute and finally getting my muscles back. It's still not footage most desirable.

No Exit:

Hahahahahahaa, the Katie Holmes thing! ♥

"That's not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester." ~Ellen

Jo. God, the bloody scratches on the ceiling of that little cell. *shudder* That's so creepy.

random: Why do I not remember Sam needing a cast?

Okay. This episode is done and I'm not even sure where to start with my thoughts. I really liked it. I like the tension between Dean and Jo and I really like that she is so strong and so not interested in taking shit from anyone.

I imagine it must be hard to have a mother like Ellen, and I also imagine that she has sort of a romanticized notion of her father -- particularly if her mother was happy when he was home. I wonder: what made her father become a hunter?

I wonder the same thing about Bobby and some of the other hunters -- do they all do it because of their own experience? Or are some of them doing it because their OWN parent was a hunter and they got pulled in?

Okay, point being -- I'm curious as to Jo's motivation for wanting to do this on her own.

It also really threw me when Dean told her she needed to be the 'bait' -- as far as I know, when Dean or Sammy are bait, it's the "bait" that says, "I need to be the bait" and the other one argues, and then they agree, but... just sort of pushing Jo into that role made me uncomfortable.

It made sense, but still...

I could see why Ellen was pissed the fuck OFF about it.

I want to know MORE about the thing between Ellen's husband and Papa W. And how long ago was it? I don't remember what Jo said about it in the show, but it does make me wonder... why was Ellen leaving voice mail (even 4 months old) on Papa W's phone if there was a falling out so long ago?

So, I keep meaning to comment on Sam and Dean in this epi, but really, I'm very intrigued by Ellen and Jo. Yay!

also, was Jo on Veronica Mars?


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