It never fails to amaze me how teachers show up at workshops and seem to resent the fact that they're being encouraged to make their practice better. I definitely understand when a workshop is not a good use of our time, but today? This was spectacular! I already feel smarter. Just... oy, it has not been a good adult day. I get sort of sick of the little games that adults seem to like to play with each other - both in RL and fandom. It always seems... unnecessary to me, I guess. Also, I strained my back pretty badly on Sunday and it's still really bothering me, so that may be why I'm unusually sensitive to and frustrated with things.
But, enough of kaalee-whine.
nefernat, thank you for the lovely rose. ♥
Everyone else, I hope you have had a wonderful, unstressfull, no-back-straining day. *squiiiishes*
Here, have some music. A few songs that are currently high in the queue on my iTunes - a mix of old and new. The first I had on repeat all the way home and I'm currently obsessed with.
Hey Rose ~ Girlyman
New Slang ~ The Shins
Wish You Were Here ~ Incubus
Seven Year Ache ~ Roseanne Cash
Here Comes the Sun ~ The Beatles
Devils and Angels ~ Toby Lightman
Defying Gravity ~ Wicked Soundtrack