My journal can drink

Feb 15, 2023 10:18

It's the 21st birthday of my live journal! It can finally legally drink. Although I've suspected it's been drinking in Canada for the last 2 years because it's been so polite lately, which is kind of racist of me. To be honest, we've grown apart over the last 16 years (hey, the time since I've last written here can drive!). I blame the journal. Earlier entries have so many grammatical errors. Much of it seems like purple prose. And the journal made no effort to filter or stop me. Anything I write is acceptable? How desperate. I consider it a testament to my personal growth that I would no longer accept a journal that would allow me to write a single word.

But while we're here, let me catch you up, even though I will invariably write something that on some distant day I will find embarrassing. First off, what's up with all this trans shit? I am very much kidding. The last thing I wrote about was my dead dog. He's still dead (if he ever was dead-follow the money [That is a QAnon joke, I think]). Mims and I, for riding our bikes on the sidewalk, had to attend a class about bike safety. No fine. They gave us snacks. So they nourished both my body and my mind. It's just like the liberals to feed and educate criminals. Again kidding. Tenley, my band, never reunited. The move to NY lasted for 12 years. Many things happened in that time and while I would love for all the web-appropriate moments to be magically written out (another failure of this journal, lack of magic), I can't get myself to share online anymore. Even though I want to.

But I can tell you this, I miss you.

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